Quercetin vs. HCQ

There are several articles easily found online regarding uses and benefits of the natural supplement quercetin, and how it can substitute for the drug  Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). I’ve referred to some web sources, below, as an inspiration for you to continue your personal research on this subject.

We’ve been hearing since early 2020 how important HCQ can be in an early treatment for C-19.  Dr. Zev Zelenko , M.D. made a famous case for this with his “Dr. Z Protocol”.   Dr. Zelenko explained the science of why the use of either the prescription drug, HCQ or the supplement quercetin should be accompanied with Zinc, vitamin D3 and certain other supplementation to protect the body’s cells from viral attacks.

Most of us are now familiar with “America’s Frontline Doctors”. They are the concerned group of physicians that published the early treatment protocol which is now famous despite big-Pharma’s efforts* to discredit its successes. (*This globally viral narrative resulted, if you recall, of these frontline doctors and other related experts to be dubbed “The Disinformation Dozen”)

Furthering the work of these concerned doctors who have shown the benefits of early treatments with HCQ or quercetin, numerous online broadcasts such as Laura-Lynn Live have published testimonies to other conditions, in particular Lupus, that are successfully treated with specified use of the drug HCQ or the natural supplement, quercetin.


Please copy these intentionally non-hyperlinked URLs and paste them into your browser to connect to the resources:



Dr. Z Protocol:

https://vladimirzelenko. com/treatment-protocol 

https://vladimirzelenko. com/prophylaxis-protocol/


Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of third party sites. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

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