It is a long established fact that a varied diet of natural, organically-grown/raised foods enhances and maintains good health in humans. While this is also true for your pets and livestock, we’re focusing on people here on this website.
As this site is a sharing place for many categories of paths to wellness, “food variety for wellness” is one of the foremost categories. Here we will explore this in depth, including health-giving menus, meal strategies and recipe ideas for salads, soups, snacks, appetizers and cooked dishes.
In a related category we can explore and share ways to expand our healthful diet choices by growing food in our own gardens, balconies or spare spaces.
So why don’t we explore it a little and even argue about it. Many dieticians and celebrated diet experts hold that half your meal plate for either lunch or dinner should consist of vegetables. However, I have some experience with that, and rather believe the following:
Vegetables should perhaps be 2/3 of your plate!
The picture below depicts the “half-your-plate” principle. While it’s not bad, it can be improved if one is controlling a pre-diabetic or diabetic condition or else wanting to burn excess fat. The carbohydrate portion can safely be reduced. Some carbs in a meal are great if you are physically active, and therein may lie the key to whether you benefit from “half your plate” meal principle or rather go a step further to the “2/3 of your plate” idea, favouring vegetables. That said, you need to provide for a good 1/4 of your plate portion being protein foods.
So, to repeat, there’s no reason why a generous variety of both raw and steamed veggies shouldn’t occupy around 2/3 of your plate. The idea is to cut back the “starch” portion, because the latest proven data regarding healthy diets is showing that excess starches fuel many health problems. Of course, we need to learn about and practice other principles, such as eating for our blood type, paying regard to food allergies, avoiding foods high in agricultural chemicals and steering clear of protein foods from animals injected with harmful pharmaceuticals. That is, admittedly, an awful lot to consider.
Anyway, the expression, “You are what you eat” is a valid one.
Stay tuned for a better photo showing “2/3 of your plate” idea. Or, it might even be a “3/4-of-your-plate” concept. (And no. I’m not a rabbit.)
Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of third party sites. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.
Our webmaster has set up this space for a small-group sharing of thoughts, research and ideas pursuant to getting well, keeping well and staying well-informed on all kinds of health & wellness issues.
Our members and friends suggest the content for this space of sharing, while the site admin and editor thoroughly enjoy reading all the Blog contributions. We try to keep this blog rolling with fascinating and useful new posts and updates.
Enjoy, and be blessed with wellness.
Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of third party sites. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.